CBD’s 3 Health Benefits for Women

CBD Basics

CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from cannabis. CBD is known to have relaxing, stress-reducing, sleep-improving, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and autonomic nervous system regulating effects, without the high or euphoric effects of THC.

CBD has been declared by the WHO to have “no potential to suggest dependence or abuse” and is legal and used in a variety of products in Thailand, where our Canabis Farm is located.

CBD is popular in CBD oil, CBD vapes, and CBD gummies, but in recent years it has also begun to be used in drinks, CBD balms, and cosmetics.

What are the 3 health benefits?

CBD has been proven to be safe, but there are three health benefits for women. Women’s hormonal balance changes more rapidly than men’s, and it is said that women’s personalities change four times a month.

It is because women undergo many changes in hormonal balance that they can feel the benefits of CBD.

Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps, also called menstrual cramps, are symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back during menstruation, constipation, and nausea. Menstrual pain is a symptom unique to women, and it is difficult for men to know how painful menstrual pain is.

Studies have shown that many women of reproductive age experience menstrual cramps, and nearly 30% of these women experience severe pain. Menstrual cramps are said to be caused by an overproduction of prostaglandins, which cause contractions and inflammation of the uterus.

CBD has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, and these actions are said to be effective in treating the pain and difficulty of menstrual cramps.

Experiments on rats in 2015 confirmed that its anti-inflammatory and sedative effects provide relief.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

PMS is premenstrual syndrome, which refers to the instability of mood one to two weeks before menstruation. Symptoms of PMS may include mood swings, irritability, abdominal pain, headaches, and drowsiness.

PMS is also said to be caused by hormonal imbalance and stress; PMS symptoms vary from person to person, but some women suffer from symptoms so painful that they cannot go to work or school.

Although there are no detailed research results on PMS yet, CBD is expected to alleviate PMS symptoms because of its effects on stress reduction and irritability.

Improvement of skin problems

CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, several studies have shown that it is effective against skin inflammation such as acne and atopic dermatitis.

Furthermore, CBD has been shown to suppress sebum secretion and the growth of acne-causing bacteria, and is expected to be useful in the treatment of acne.

Because of these research results, CBD is beginning to attract attention in the cosmetics industry, with CBD-infused lotions and other products now on the market.

What to watch out for when taking CBD

Two things that women should be aware of when taking CBD.

Since they include things specific to women, please be careful if you are a woman and want to take CBD.

Do not take it during pregnancy or lactation

Do not take CBD during pregnancy or lactation.

Although there are not many detailed studies on CBD intake during pregnancy and lactation, it is known to affect the fetus through the woman’s body. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also issued a warning to women who are pregnant or lactating not to use CBD.

Some CBD products may also contain a warning for pregnant women not to use CBD products.

Do not overdose

CBD can cause side effects if overdosed. It has been reported to cause severe drowsiness, diarrhea, and nausea.

The recommended daily intake of CBD has been established, and care should be taken not to take more than the recommended amount.


CBD is expected to have a beneficial effect on menstrual pain and PMS specific to women.

CBD’s anti-inflammatory, sedative, and stress-reducing effects may help alleviate menstrual pain caused by hormonal imbalance and inflammation.

The day will soon come when CBD can alleviate the menstrual pain and PMS that many women suffer from.